and i could but only drool in anticipation and veiled-fear = becoz it just looks too good to be "true" ... and in less that 24-hours, TFW2005.com previewed the current New York Toy Fair and came away with images galore for us Transfans!

am actually quite in awe ... this dude has just become a MUST-GET Autobot for me!
[view original hi-res images here]
added 14.02.07: a 40-second video presentation/demo of Ultimate Bumblebee in action :)
altho im actually a tad disappointed with Leader Class Optimus Prime tho ... either this is a thoroughly unfinished prototype, or they couldn't be bothered to paint/weather the metal-parts (now seen as grey-plastic), as compared to the previous rawkin'-images:

[view original hi-res images here] where's da lurve for Prime?
but an interesting "surprise" turned out to be the Optimus Prime Voice Changer Helmet:

(featured here) gosh! dunnit look cool?

[all images via] officially, alla these Trans-toys are slated for a June 2nd 2007-drop, in tandem with the launch of the live-action Transformers-movie on July 4th (with additional items hitting in the Fall of 2007) = so there's plenty of time to start saving-up your mad-Trans-toys-money, folks! *muahahahahaha*
Seibertron.com covered the event as well (with near 128-images)
[post circa 11.02.07]
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